nios on demand exam 2025 date


nios on demand exam 2025 date

NIOS board exams are expected to start soon, with the date sheet likely to be announced shortly. The exams are anticipated to take place in January, February, or March 2025. Admissions for these exams may begin in the first week of January.

If you need help with admissions, studying, or taking on-demand exams, feel free to contact us. We provide full support from admission to results.
Contact numbers: +91-9716451127 | 9560957631

Who can appear for on-demand exams?

  1. Students who failed in 10th or 12th exams earlier.
  2. Students who passed but want to improve their marks.
  3. NIOS students who failed in previous attempts.
  4. 10th and 12th pass students who wish to take exams for 1 to 4 additional subjects through part admission.

Result Declaration:
On-demand exam results are declared within 45 days of the exam on the official NIOS website.


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